
Thursday, January 15, 2015

Get Fit for Love 2015

Good Morning Beautiful! Sorry for the delay in posting this. We are so happy to bring this years Get Fit for Love Series! Emely and I have worked really hard putting this series together and hope you all enjoy it.
Alright, we thought it would be best to give you all the option of when you would like to start this series. The series lasts 28 days and we advise that if you want to finish it on Valentine's day that you begin on or before the 18th of January. The other option is to do a whole month workout and begin the series on February 1st.
Workout Calendar
Kiss Cardio
Arm Candy
Be My Sweet-Heart
Forget-me-not Abs
With the start of a new year come new goals and aspirations which may seem a bit hard at first.
But we are hoping that with this workout series you can find the inspiration and encouragement you need to start this year of right and feel your absolute best!
Your thoughts and feedback are super important to us! Please feel free to share any and all questions or concerns on any of the workouts.

We love you all,
Erica and Emely

P.s Just a quick suggestion, take a before pic and be sure to compare at the end of the series. We would love to see them!, share with us on Instagram #getfitforlove2015 or #BTIL
**PLEASE NOTE: We are not professional trainers nor are we certified in fitness, we are simply sharing with you all our personal workouts that we have used in the past and that continue to work for us. You should consult your doctor before beginning any type of daily workout. Thank you!

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