
Friday, January 29, 2016

Sunshine in a Glass

Good morning Everyone! Today I am sharing with you all this amazingly delicious fresh juice and I promise it'll be like a cup of sunshine that'll brighten up your day! 

To make this yummy juice you will need: 1 orange
1 Apple
1 medium carrot 
1" piece of fresh ginger 
1 1/5 c cold water (if using blender)
Ice cubes (optional) 
(makes 1 serving, feel free to double or even triple) 

Make sure to use all fresh produce I personally prefer to have them straight from the fridge so that they are all nice and cold. Peel and cut all the produce, and set aside. Prepare your juicer or high power blender. If your using a blender go ahead and add it all in except for the ice cubes. Blend until pulpy, pour through strainer or cheese cloth. Add ice cubes if desired and drink up! Enjoy! 

This combo is so good and good for you! The orange provides for a ton of vitamin c and is full of beta-Carotene which is a powerful antioxidant preventing the signs of aging. The benefits are endless for these fruit and veggies. The perfect way to start off your morning is with this juice! 
Love, Emely and Erica 

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