
Friday, April 24, 2015

Spring Snacks

Hello beautiful people! We are so sorry that we have been AWOL for a while! We have been super busy with moves, school, work well just life in general. But on another note we are so beyond excited that SPRING IS HERE!!!! Spring is such a beautiful time of year and honestly one of our favorite seasons, the cold is finally disappearing and leaving us with warm sunshine! This also means that summer is right around the corner YAY!... Now a lot of times in the rush of life we don't even get a second to sit down and enjoy a good snack, let alone cook a whole meal. As wives and students we know how easy it is to just drive up to a McDonalds or a Taco bell and grab something to eat, but a lot of times the options are not very healthy.  These are some of our favorite go-to snacks that take very minimal preparation, if any at all. We try to eat snacks that are not to high in sugar, as sugary thing do a lot of damage to your health. These ones are not to bad. Just a quick reminder that best kind of snack to have is fruit and veggies, so please do not cut those out and replace them with these. We are just saying you can grab an apple and one of these snack items and your good to go.

Happy Snacking!
-Erica and Emely

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