
Wednesday, June 4, 2014

Sweating for Summer Workout Series!

Hello Beautiful Ladies, Summer is just a few weeks away and the first official day is June 21. Summer is our favorite time of the year, and what better way to show this then with a new workout series. This series will be a little different than our last one, because it includes a full month meal plan. We know that deciding on what to eat can be very difficult, especially when on a workout plan. So we hope this meal plan will make it a little easier that way you can look forward to cooking and eating some really delicious/healthy meals. For the workout part of the series we decided to try an interval cardio plan and a workout plan together not only will you lose tons of fat but also tone up and look great in your summer bikini.

Note: Although this series is very specific we know that not everyone's body is the same, therefore, do only what your body will allow. If you are not seeing any results try increasing amount of weights when doing the strength training exercises or adding ankle weights during the cardio workouts.
Also we are not dietitians, or nutritionist so these meals are based strictly on the amounts listed on the food pyramid. Please consult with you doctor before starting any daily workout plans or diets.
Happy Sweating,
Erica and Emely

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