
Tuesday, January 14, 2014

Get Fit for Love Series!

Good morning Beautiful!... Sooo guess what is exactly one month away?? Yes! Valentines Day!! Today begins our Get Fit for Love workout series and meal tips!! It's time to get fit for that special day with that special someone!. For us it's our wonderful hubby's, if you do not have a special person this year then this is the perfect opportunity to get your body fit for no one but yourself, after all that should be the most important person. Week one consists of a total body workout calendar to help you Get fit for love!

Printable Version

                                            Tricep Dips
                                           Shoulder press
                                            Lateral raises
                                         Tricep Extensions
                                        Bicep Combo curls
                                            Pulse Pushups

                                           Leg press
                                           Leg Crosses
                                           Supine Bicycle
                                                         Repeat on other side
                                                         Repeat on other side

**PLEASE NOTE: We are not professional trainers nor are we certified in fitness, we are simply sharing with you all our personal workouts that we have used in the past and that continue to work for us. You should consult your doctor before beginning any type of daily workout. Thank you!

We love you!
Erica and Emely


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