
Tuesday, July 22, 2014

Life via the Camera

We have to admit that we have been really bad at putting up post on a regular basis. And figured this would be a really good way to post more and also share with you what we have been up to...

This is our favorite belly flattening detox water! Super easy just sliced cucumber, lemon, fresh mint leaves and ginger. No need for a super expensive bottle this one was no more than $6 at Walmart!

We don't drink coffee much but when we do this creamer! It taste so good and is all-natural which is a big plus for us.

Can not say enough good things about this granola its simple and delicious. Low in sugar and comes
 in a lot of yummy flavors! We have been eating this for breakfast with almond milk or as a snack.

A super great way to end a workout. Berry protein smoothie! Small handful frozen strawberries, small handful of blueberries, 1 scoop protein powder and 8oz of water. Put all in a blender and enjoy!
We love laying out by the pool getting some sun, of course with sun protection which is very important!
Oh my! We have been obsessed with coconut drinks for the longest, but a lot of companies have been coming out with some really good stuff recently. This one is excellent! We love to have this as a mid morning pick-me-up.

Visiting a local strawberry field on a nice summer day. So much fun!
The best way to enjoy a caprese sandwich is with no bread. That way you can taste all the wonderful flavors. I (Erica) made this one evening for dinner: 1 tomato sliced, light mozzarella, basil leaves or pesto, and balsamic reduction. Perfection!  
These cookies are so good and pretty low I calories. All thought we try to say away for the sweet something you need to satisfy that craving so you don't crazy later.
We hope you enjoyed these photos of our lives' recently, also try finding some of these thing in you area.
Erica and Emely

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